This training will cover neurodiversity’s definition, challenges, and opportunities, as well as the role the Office for Vocational Rehabilitation plays in Secondary Transition, Early Reach, and Pre-Employment Training. Presenters will work with high school level educators, guidance counselors, and administrators to share the specifics of the new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Information regarding how to access resources and understand Pre-Employment Transition Services will also be covered.
Participants will be able to:
1.) Define practical strategies and lessons learned to be used by guidance counselors, secondary transition coordinators and teachers.
2.) Identify trends among high profile employers including the participation of industry representatives who have created successful workforce programs.
3.) Develop a template for this training program through its work with SAP, the global leader in enterprise software.
4.) Identify collaborations among schools, employers and Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR).
Target Audience
Autism, leadership-principals, superintendents, guidance counselors, high school teachers. speech/language, OVR
Individuals attending this course must arrive on time and stay the duration of the course in order to receive Act 48 Professional Education hours. Requests for exceptions are to be brought to the attention of the individual´s Superintendent or IU Director prior to the course.